Alberto Bona talks about himself on Olympia, on Radio24

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Alberto Bona talks about himself on Olympia, on Radio24

14 April 2022

E il navigar m’è dolce in questi oceani… (“And sailing is sweet in these oceans …”)

This is the title of the interview given by Alberto Bona to journalist Dario Ricci during an episode of Olympia, the sports storytelling program of Radio24-IlSole24Ore dedicated to athletes and champions of Italian sport.

An interview during which Alberto tells his personal story, closely intertwined with his passion for sailing. A passion born and cultivated from an early age which, after a degree in philosophy, turned into a promising and brilliant career, in a crescendo of challenges and highly successful experiences. The latest of these challenges is the one that Alberto is preparing to face, through an intense physical and mental training path, which will lead him to sail on the waters of the Route du Rhum, the solo transatlantic regatta starting on November 6.

However, Alberto’s story is not only that of a sailor: it’s also the story of a sportsman who becomes the spokesman for a new sensitivity and awareness of environmental and social responsibility issues. And it is on these grounds – and on the sharing of these values – ​​that Alberto became ambassador of IBSA’s Sailing into the future. Together, a project that metaphorically represents the history, philosophy and vision of the company – always oriented towards the future – and that makes ocean sailing a powerful communication tool to raise awareness of the respect for the sea, oceans and nature in a broad sense, but also a means to promote social integration, with activities in favour of people in difficulty or with disabilities.

Click here to listen to the complete interview with Alberto and to find out more about this new enterprise.

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