The project Sailing into the Future. Together at the Circolo Velico Lago di Lugano

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The project Sailing into the Future. Together at the Circolo Velico Lago di Lugano

21 April 2023

Last Wednesday, April 19, IBSA’s project Sailing into the Future. Together was presented to all club members and interested parties at the Circolo Velico Lago di Lugano (“Lake Lugano Sailing Club”).

Giorgio Pisani and Luca BertacchiProject Leader and Team Leader, respectively – told about the birth of the project and the sporting adventure of Alberto Bona aboard the Class40 IBSA. After the first ocean crossing with the 2022 edition of the Route du Rhum, the sailor is now engaged in the second season of Sailing into the future. Together, a metaphor which – extending far beyond sporting competition – includes several environmental and social sustainability initiatives, one of which is Inclusive Sailing, in collaboration with the Associazione Velabili of Lugano, the Yacht Club Punta Ala (Italy) and the Société des Régates d’Antibes (France).

During the evening, Filippo Taiana, Vice President of the Circolo Velico Lago di Lugano,took the opportunity to also present the Coppa IBSA (“IBSA Cup”), a competition which will be held on the weekend of August 26-27, with IBSA as the main sponsor. This sporting event will involve about thirty boats, including Optimists, Hansa 303s and ILCAs, for a total of about 150 participants. Four of the ten participating Hansa 303s (Hansas are ideal boats both for competition and for sailing school, because they are designed to race in single and double or to host an instructor on board) will be from the Associazione Velabili.

The Lake Lugano Sailing Club has 600 members, and is the second largest club in Switzerland, as well as one of the most active youth organisations. The Associazione Velabili was born in 2016 at the Circolo Velico, and since then the organisation has made inclusive sailing a distinctive and successful element, promoting several programmes and activities for people with cognitive, physical and sensory disabilities. Among the most important events which will be attended by the Associazione in 2023 are the Special Olympics World Games 2023, which will take place in Berlin from 17 to 25 June.

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